DNF Count Me support
DNF 计数我支持

Classic DNF based operating systems can use the DNF Count Me feature to anonymously report how long a system has been running without impacting the user privacy. This is implemented as an additional countme variable added to requests made to fetch RPM repository metadata. On those systems, this value is added randomly to requests made automatically via the dnf-makecache.timer or via explicit calls to dnf update or dnf install.
经典的 DNF 基础操作系统可以使用 DNF Count Me 功能匿名报告系统运行时间,而不会影响用户隐私。这是作为一个额外的 countme 变量实现的,添加到获取 RPM 仓库元数据的请求中。在这些系统上,此值会随机添加到通过 dnf-makecache.timer 自动发出的请求中,或通过显式调用 dnf updatednf install

However, this does not work for rpm-ostree based systems as in the default case (no package overlayed on top of the base commit), rpm-ostree will not fetch any RPM repository metadata at all.
然而,这对于基于 rpm-ostree 的系统不起作用,因为在默认情况下(没有在基础提交之上叠加任何软件包的情况下), rpm-ostree 将根本不会获取任何 RPM 仓库元数据。

Thus rpm-ostree includes a distinct timer (rpm-ostree-countme.timer) that implements the DNF Count Me functionality in a standalone way. This timer is triggered on boot after 5 minutes and bi-weekly, in both cases with a random delay.
因此, rpm-ostree 包含一个独立的计时器( rpm-ostree-countme.timer ),以独立方式实现 DNF Count Me 功能。此计时器在启动后 5 分钟后和每两周触发一次,在这两种情况下都会有一个随机延迟。

Disabling DNF Count Me on a system
在系统上禁用 DNF 计数我

To disable this feature, you need to stop the rpm-ostree-countme.timer and mask the corresponding unit as a precaution:
要禁用此功能,您需要停止 rpm-ostree-countme.timer 并掩盖相应的单元作为预防措施:

$ systemctl mask --now rpm-ostree-countme.timer

References 引用

  • DNF Configuration Reference: countme option
    DNF 配置参考:countme 选项
  • Change Request for Fedora 32: DNF Better Counting
    Fedora 32 的更改请求:DNF 更好的计数