Contributing 贡献

  1. Hacking on rpm-ostree 在 rpm-ostree 上的黑客行为
  2. Repository structure 仓库结构
  3. Releasing rpm-ostree 发布 rpm-ostree

Submitting patches 提交补丁

Submit a pull request against coreos/rpm-ostree.
向 coreos/rpm-ostree 提交拉取请求。

Please look at git log and match the commit log style.
请查看 git log 并匹配提交日志的风格。

Running the test suite

There is make check as well as make vmcheck. See also what the Jenkinsfile file does.
还有 make check 以及 make vmcheck 。另请查看 Jenkinsfile 文件的内容。

Coding style 编码风格

See the OSTree CONTRIBUTING coding style.
查看 OSTree 贡献编码风格。