Background 背景

  1. Package systems versus image systems
    1. Package system benefits and drawbacks
    2. Image benefits and drawbacks
  2. How rpm-ostree provides a middle ground
    rpm-ostree 如何提供一个折中方案

Package systems versus image systems

Broadly speaking, software update systems for operating systems tend to fall cleanly into one of two camps: package-based or image-based.

Package system benefits and drawbacks

Benefits: 优势:

  • Highly dynamic, fast access to wide array of software
  • State management in /etc and /var is well understood
    /etc/var 中的状态管理被充分理解
  • Can swap between major/minor system states (apt-get upgrade is similar to apt-get dist-upgrade)
    可以在主要/次要系统状态之间切换( apt-get upgrade 类似于 apt-get dist-upgrade
  • Generally supports any filesystem or partition layout

Drawbacks: 缺点:

  • As package set grows, testing becomes combinatorially more expensive
  • Live system mutation, no rollbacks

Image benefits and drawbacks

Benefits: 好处:

  • Ensures all users are running a known state
  • Rollback supported 支持回滚
  • Easier to verify system integrity

Drawbacks: 缺点:

  • Many image systems have a read-only /etc, and writable partitions elsewhere
    许多图像系统具有一个只读 /etc ,其他地方有可写分区
  • Must reboot for updates 必须重新启动以进行更新
  • Usually operate at block level, so require fixed partition layout and filesystem
  • Many use a “dual root” mode which wastes space and is inflexible
  • Often paired with a separate application mechanism, but misses out on things that aren’t apps
  • Administrators still need to know content inside

How rpm-ostree provides a middle ground
rpm-ostree 如何提供一个折中方案

rpm-ostree in its default mode feels more like image replication, but the underlying architecture allows a lot of package-like flexibility.
在其默认模式下,rpm-ostree 更像是镜像复制,但底层架构允许很多类似软件包的灵活性。

In this default mode, packages are composed on a server, and clients can replicate that state reliably. For example, if one adds a package on the compose server, clients get it. If one removes a package, it’s also removed when clients upgrade.

One simple mental model for rpm-ostree is: imagine taking a set of packages on the server side, install them to a chroot, then doing git commit on the result. And imagine clients just git pull -r from that. What OSTree adds to this picture is support for file uid/gid, extended attributes, handling of bootloader configuration, and merges of /etc.
一个简单的 rpm-ostree 的心智模型是:想象将一组软件包安装到 chroot 中,然后对结果执行 git commit 。想象客户端只是从中 git pull -r 。OSTree 在这个图景中添加的功能包括对文件 uid/gid、扩展属性、处理引导加载程序配置以及 /etc 的支持。

To emphasize, replication is at a filesystem level - that means things like SELinux labels and uid/gid mappings are assigned on the server side.
强调一下,复制是在文件系统级别进行的 - 这意味着像 SELinux 标签和 uid/gid 映射这样的东西是在服务器端分配的。

On the other hand, rpm-ostree works on top of any Unix filesystem. It will not interfere with any filesystem or block-level snapshots or backups such as LVM or BTRFS.
另一方面,rpm-ostree 可以在任何 Unix 文件系统上运行。它不会干扰任何文件系统或块级快照或备份,比如 LVM 或 BTRFS。