Supported Platforms 支持的平台

Ignition is currently only supported for the following platforms:

  • Akamai Connected Cloud (akamai) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys and network configuration are handled separately.
    Akamai Connected Cloud( akamai )- 点火将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥和网络配置将分别处理。
  • Alibaba Cloud (aliyun) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    阿里云( aliyun )- 点火将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将分别处理。
  • Apple Hypervisor (applehv) - Ignition will read its configuration using an HTTP GET over a vsock connection with its host on port 1024.
    苹果虚拟机 ( applehv ) - Ignition 将通过 vsock 连接在端口 1024 上与其主机进行 HTTP GET 请求以读取其配置。
  • Amazon Web Services (aws) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    亚马逊云服务 ( aws ) - Ignition 将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • Microsoft Azure (azure)- Ignition will read its configuration from the custom data provided to the instance. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    微软 Azure ( azure )- Ignition 将从提供给实例的自定义数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • Microsoft Azure Stack (azurestack) - Ignition will read its configuration from the custom data provided to the instance. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Microsoft Azure Stack( azurestack )- 点火将从提供给实例的自定义数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • Brightbox (brightbox) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Brightbox( brightbox )- 点火将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • CloudStack (cloudstack) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata via either metadata service or config drive. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    CloudStack( cloudstack )- 点火将通过元数据服务或配置驱动器从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • DigitalOcean (digitalocean) - Ignition will read its configuration from the droplet userdata. Cloud SSH keys and network configuration are handled separately.
    DigitalOcean( digitalocean )- Ignition 将从 droplet userdata 读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥和网络配置将分开处理。
  • Exoscale (exoscale) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Exoscale( exoscale )- Ignition 将从实例 userdata 读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将分开处理。
  • Google Cloud (gcp) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance metadata entry named “user-data”. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Google Cloud( gcp )- Ignition 将从名为“user-data”的实例元数据条目读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将分开处理。
  • Hetzner Cloud (hetzner) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Hetzner Cloud( hetzner )- Ignition 将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • Microsoft Hyper-V (hyperv) - Ignition will read its configuration from the ignition.config key in pool 0 of the Hyper-V Data Exchange Service (KVP). Values are limited to approximately 1 KiB of text, so Ignition can also read and concatenate multiple keys named ignition.config.0, ignition.config.1, and so on.
    Microsoft Hyper-V( hyperv )- Ignition 将从 Hyper-V 数据交换服务(KVP)的池 0 中的 ignition.config 键中读取其配置。值限制为约 1 KiB 的文本,因此 Ignition 还可以读取和连接多个名为 ignition.config.0ignition.config.1 等的键。
  • IBM Cloud (ibmcloud) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    IBM Cloud( ibmcloud )- Ignition 将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • KubeVirt (kubevirt) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata via config drive. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    KubeVirt( kubevirt )- Ignition 将通过配置驱动器从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • Bare Metal (metal) - Use the ignition.config.url kernel parameter to provide a URL to the configuration. The URL can use the http://, https://, tftp://, s3://, arn:, or gs:// schemes to specify a remote config.
    Bare Metal( metal )- 使用 ignition.config.url 内核参数提供配置的 URL。该 URL 可以使用 http://https://tftp://s3://arn:gs:// 方案指定远程配置。
  • Nutanix (nutanix) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata via config drive. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Nutanix( nutanix )- Ignition 将通过配置驱动器从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • OpenStack (openstack) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata via either metadata service or config drive. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    OpenStack( openstack )- Ignition 将通过元数据服务或配置驱动器从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • Equinix Metal (packet) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Equinix Metal( packet )- Ignition 将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • IBM Power Systems Virtual Server (powervs) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    IBM Power Systems Virtual Server( powervs )- Ignition 将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • QEMU (qemu) - Ignition will read its configuration from the ‘opt/com.coreos/config’ key on the QEMU Firmware Configuration Device (available in QEMU 2.4.0 and higher).
    QEMU( qemu )- Ignition 将从 QEMU 固件配置设备上的“opt/com.coreos/config”键中读取其配置(在 QEMU 2.4.0 及更高版本中可用)。
  • Scaleway (scaleway) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Scaleway( scaleway )- Ignition 将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • VirtualBox (virtualbox) - Use the VirtualBox guest property /Ignition/Config to provide the config to the virtual machine.
    VirtualBox( virtualbox )- 使用 VirtualBox 客户机属性 /Ignition/Config 来为虚拟机提供配置。
  • VMware (vmware) - Use the VMware Guestinfo variables and to provide the config and its encoding to the virtual machine. Valid encodings are “”, “base64”, and “gzip+base64”. Guestinfo variables can be provided directly or via an OVF environment, with priority given to variables specified directly.
    VMware( vmware )- 使用 VMware Guestinfo 变量 来向虚拟机提供配置及其编码。有效的编码方式有“”,“base64”和“gzip+base64”。Guestinfo 变量可以直接提供,也可以通过 OVF 环境提供,优先考虑直接指定的变量。
  • Vultr (vultr) - Ignition will read its configuration from the instance userdata. Cloud SSH keys are handled separately.
    Vultr( vultr )- Ignition 将从实例用户数据中读取其配置。云 SSH 密钥将单独处理。
  • zVM (zvm) - Ignition will read its configuration from the reader device directly. The vmur program is necessary, which requires the vmcp and vmur kernel module as prerequisite, and the corresponding z/VM virtual unit record devices (in most cases 000c as reader, 000d as punch) must be set online.
    zVM( zvm )- Ignition 将直接从读取设备中读取其配置。vmur 程序是必需的,它需要 vmcp 和 vmur 内核模块作为先决条件,并且相应的 z/VM 虚拟单元记录设备(在大多数情况下,000c 作为读取器,000d 作为冲孔器)必须在线设置。

Ignition is under active development, so this list may grow over time.

For most cloud providers, cloud SSH keys and custom network configuration are handled by Afterburn.
对于大多数云提供商,云 SSH 密钥和自定义网络配置由点火处理。