podman-stats - Display a live stream of one or more container’s resource usage statistics
podman-stats - 显示一个或多个容器的资源使用统计数据的实时流


podman stats [options] [container]
podman stats [选项] [容器]

podman container stats [options] [container]
podman container stats [选项] [容器]


Display a live stream of one or more containers’ resource usage statistics

Note: Podman stats does not work in rootless environments that use CGroups V1. Podman stats relies on CGroup information for statistics, and CGroup v1 is not supported for rootless use cases.
注意:Podman stats 在使用 CGroups V1 的无根环境中无法工作。Podman stats 依赖于 CGroup 信息进行统计,而 CGroup v1 不支持无根使用情况。

Note: Rootless environments that use CGroups V2 are not able to report statistics about their networking usage.
注意:使用 CGroups V2 的无根环境无法报告有关其网络使用情况的统计信息。


--all, -a

Show all containers. Only running containers are shown by default

--format=template --format=template

Pretty-print container statistics to JSON or using a Go template
将容器统计信息漂亮地打印成 JSON 或使用 Go 模板

Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below:
Go 模板的有效占位符如下所示:




Average CPU, full precision float
平均 CPU,全精度浮点数


Average CPU, formatted as a percent
平均 CPU,格式化为百分比


Total data read from block device


Total data read/total data written to block device


Total data written to block device


Container ID, full (untruncated) hash
容器 ID,完整(未截断)哈希值

.ContainerStats …

Nested structure, for experts only


Percent CPU, full precision float
百分比 CPU,完整精度浮点数


CPU Usage, total, in nanoseconds
CPU 使用率,总计,以纳秒为单位


Percentage of CPU used 使用的 CPU 百分比


CPU Usage, kernel, in nanoseconds
CPU 使用率,内核,以纳秒为单位


Same as CPUNano 与 CPUNano 相同


Container ID, truncated 容器 ID,已截断


Memory limit, in bytes 内存限制,以字节为单位


Memory percentage used 内存使用百分比


Memory usage 内存使用量


Memory usage (IEC) 内存使用量(IEC)


Container Name 容器名称


Network IO 网络 IO

.Network … .网络 …

Network I/O, separated by network interface
网络 I/O,按网络接口分开


CPU time consumed by all tasks [1]
所有任务消耗的 CPU 时间 [1]


Number of PIDs 进程 ID 数量


Number of PIDs (yes, we know this is a dup)
进程 ID 的数量(是的,我们知道这是一个重复项)


Current system datetime, nanoseconds since epoch


Duration (CPUNano), in human-readable form


Same as Up 与 Up 相同

[1] Cgroups V1 only
[1] 仅限 Cgroups V1

When using a Go template, precede the format with table to print headers.
在使用 Go 模板时,要在格式之前加上 table 以打印标题。

--interval, -i=seconds --interval, -i=秒

Time in seconds between stats reports, defaults to 5 seconds.
在统计报告之间的秒数,默认为 5 秒。

--latest, -l

Instead of providing the container name or ID, use the last created container. Note: the last started container can be from other users of Podman on the host machine. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines)
不要提供容器名称或 ID,而是使用最后创建的容器。注意:最后启动的容器可能来自主机上其他 Podman 用户。(此选项在远程 Podman 客户端中不可用,包括 Mac 和 Windows(不包括 WSL2)主机)


Do not clear the terminal/screen in between reporting intervals


Disable streaming stats and only pull the first result, default setting is false
禁用流式统计,仅拉取第一个结果,默认设置为 false


Do not truncate output


List statistics about all running containers without streaming mode:

# podman stats -a --no-stream
ID             NAME              CPU %   MEM USAGE / LIMIT   MEM %   NET IO    BLOCK IO   PIDS
a9f807ffaacd   frosty_hodgkin    --      3.092MB / 16.7GB    0.02%   -- / --   -- / --    2
3b33001239ee   sleepy_stallman   --      -- / --             --      -- / --   -- / --    --

List the specified container’s statistics in streaming mode:

# podman stats a9f80
ID             NAME             CPU %   MEM USAGE / LIMIT   MEM %   NET IO    BLOCK IO   PIDS
a9f807ffaacd   frosty_hodgkin   --      3.092MB / 16.7GB    0.02%   -- / --   -- / --    2

List the specified statistics about the specified container in table format:

$ podman stats --no-trunc 3667 --format 'table {{ .ID }} {{ .MemUsage }}'
ID                                                                MEM USAGE / LIMIT
3667c6aacb06aac2eaffce914c01736420023d56ef9b0f4cfe58b6d6a78b7503  49.15kB / 67.17GB

List the specified container statistics in JSON format:
以 JSON 格式列出指定容器的统计信息:

# podman stats --no-stream --format=json a9f80
	"id": "a9f807ffaacd",
	"name": "frosty_hodgkin",
	"cpu_percent": "--",
	"mem_usage": "3.092MB / 16.7GB",
	"mem_percent": "0.02%",
	"netio": "-- / --",
	"blocki": "-- / --",
	"pids": "2"

List the specified container statistics in table format:

# podman stats --no-stream --format "table {{.ID}} {{.Name}} {{.MemUsage}}" 6eae
ID             NAME           MEM USAGE / LIMIT
6eae9e25a564   clever_bassi   3.031MB / 16.7GB

Note: When using a slirp4netns network with the rootlesskit port handler, the traffic sent via the port forwarding is accounted to the lo device. Traffic accounted to lo is not accounted in the stats output.
注意:当使用 slirp4netns 网络与 rootlesskit 端口处理程序时,通过端口转发发送的流量计入 lo 设备。计入 lo 的流量不会在统计输出中计入。




July 2017, Originally compiled by Ryan Cole
2017 年 7 月,最初由 Ryan Cole 编译。