podman-rmi - Remove one or more locally stored images
podman-rmi - 删除一个或多个本地存储的镜像


podman rmi [options] image […]
podman rmi [选项] 镜像 […]

podman image rm [options] image […]
podman image rm [选项] 镜像 […]


Removes one or more locally stored images. Passing an argument image deletes it, along with any of its dangling parent images. A dangling image is an image without a tag and without being referenced by another image.

Note: To delete an image from a remote registry, use the skopeo delete command. Some registries do not allow users to delete an image via a CLI remotely.
注意:要从远程注册表中删除镜像,请使用 skopeo delete 命令。一些注册表不允许用户通过 CLI 远程删除镜像。


--all, -a

Remove all images in the local storage.

--force, -f

This option causes Podman to remove all containers that are using the image before removing the image from the system.
此选项会导致 Podman 在从系统中删除镜像之前删除使用该镜像的所有容器。

--ignore, -i

If a specified image does not exist in the local storage, ignore it and do not throw an error.


This option does not remove dangling parents of the specified image.

Remove an image by its short ID
通过其短 ID 删除图像

$ podman rmi c0ed59d05ff7

Remove an image and its associated containers.

$ podman rmi --force imageID

Remove multiple images by their shortened IDs.
通过它们的缩短 ID 删除多个图像。

$ podman rmi c4dfb1609ee2 93fd78260bd1 c0ed59d05ff7

Remove all images and containers.

$ podman rmi -a -f

Remove an absent image with and without the --ignore flag.
使用和不使用 --ignore 标志删除不存在的图像。

$ podman rmi --ignore nothing
$ podman rmi nothing
Error: nothing: image not known

Exit Status 退出状态 ¶

0 All specified images removed
0 所有指定的图像已移除

1 One of the specified images did not exist, and no other failures
1 指定的图像中有一个不存在,且没有其他失败

2 One of the specified images has child images or is being used by a container
2 指定的图像中有一个具有子图像或正在被容器使用

125 The command fails for any other reason
125 由于其他原因命令失败


podman(1), skopeo-delete(1)


March 2017, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh
2017 年 3 月,最初由丹·沃尔什(Dan Walsh) 编译