Hardware considerations

Storage model 存储模型

A storage model is a model that captures key physical aspects of data structure in a data store. A filesystem is the logical structure organizing data on top of the storage device.

The filesystem assumes several features or limitations of the storage device and utilizes them or applies measures to guarantee reliability. BTRFS in particular is based on a COW (copy on write) mode of writing, i.e. not updating data in place but rather writing a new copy to a different location and then atomically switching the pointers.
文件系统假定存储设备具有几个特性或限制,并利用它们或采取措施来保证可靠性。特别是 BTRFS 基于写时复制(COW)模式,即不在原地更新数据,而是将新副本写入不同位置,然后原子地切换指针。

In an ideal world, the device does what it promises. The filesystem assumes that this may not be true so additional mechanisms are applied to either detect misbehaving hardware or get valid data by other means. The devices may (and do) apply their own detection and repair mechanisms but we won’t assume any.

The following assumptions about storage devices are considered (sorted by importance, numbers are for further reference):

  1. atomicity of reads and writes of blocks/sectors (the smallest unit of data the device presents to the upper layers)

  2. there’s a flush command that instructs the device to forcibly order writes before and after the command; alternatively there’s a barrier command that facilitates the ordering but may not flush the data

  3. data sent to write to a given device offset will be written without further changes to the data and to the offset

  4. writes can be reordered by the device, unless explicitly serialized by the flush command

  5. reads and writes can be freely reordered and interleaved

The consistency model of BTRFS builds on these assumptions. The logical data updates are grouped, into a generation, written on the device, serialized by the flush command and then the super block is written ending the generation. All logical links among metadata comprising a consistent view of the data may not cross the generation boundary.
BTRFS 的一致性模型建立在这些假设之上。逻辑数据更新被分组成一代,写入设备,通过刷新命令序列化,然后写入超级块结束该代。所有元数据之间的逻辑链接组成了数据的一致视图,可能不会跨越代边界。

When things go wrong
当事情出错时 

No or partial atomicity of block reads/writes (1)
块读/写的不完全原子性 (1)

  • Problem: a partial block contents is written (torn write), e.g. due to a power glitch or other electronics failure during the read/write
    问题: 写入部分块内容 (断裂写入),例如由于读/写期间的电源故障或其他电子故障

  • Detection: checksum mismatch on read

  • Repair: use another copy or rebuild from multiple blocks using some encoding scheme

The flush command does not flush (2)

This is perhaps the most serious problem and impossible to mitigate by filesystem without limitations and design restrictions. What could happen in the worst case is that writes from one generation bleed to another one, while still letting the filesystem consider the generations isolated. Crash at any point would leave data on the device in an inconsistent state without any hint what exactly got written, what is missing and leading to stale metadata link information.

Devices usually honor the flush command, but for performance reasons may do internal caching, where the flushed data are not yet persistently stored. A power failure could lead to a similar scenario as above, although it’s less likely that later writes would be written before the cached ones. This is beyond what a filesystem can take into account. Devices or controllers are usually equipped with batteries or capacitors to write the cache contents even after power is cut. (Battery backed write cache)

Data get silently changed on write (3)

Such thing should not happen frequently, but still can happen spuriously due the complex internal workings of devices or physical effects of the storage media itself.

  • Problem: while the data are written atomically, the contents get changed

  • Detection: checksum mismatch on read

  • Repair: use another copy or rebuild from multiple blocks using some encoding scheme

Data get silently written to another offset (3)

This would be another serious problem as the filesystem has no information when it happens. For that reason the measures have to be done ahead of time. This problem is also commonly called ghost write.

The metadata blocks have the checksum embedded in the blocks, so a correct atomic write would not corrupt the checksum. It’s likely that after reading such block the data inside would not be consistent with the rest. To rule that out there’s embedded block number in the metadata block. It’s the logical block number because this is what the logical structure expects and verifies.

The following is based on information publicly available, user feedback, community discussions or bug report analyses. It’s not complete and further research is encouraged when in doubt.

Main memory 主存储器 

The data structures and raw data blocks are temporarily stored in computer memory before they get written to the device. It is critical that memory is reliable because even simple bit flips can have vast consequences and lead to damaged structures, not only in the filesystem but in the whole operating system.

Based on experience in the community, memory bit flips are more common than one would think. When it happens, it’s reported by the tree-checker or by a checksum mismatch after reading blocks. There are some very obvious instances of bit flips that happen, e.g. in an ordered sequence of keys in metadata blocks. We can easily infer from the other data what values get damaged and how. However, fixing that is not straightforward and would require cross-referencing data from the entire filesystem to see the scope.

If available, ECC memory should lower the chances of bit flips, but this type of memory is not available in all cases. A memory test should be performed in case there’s a visible bit flip pattern, though this may not detect a faulty memory module because the actual load of the system could be the factor making the problems appear. In recent years attacks on how the memory modules operate have been demonstrated (rowhammer) achieving specific bits to be flipped. While these were targeted, this shows that a series of reads or writes can affect unrelated parts of memory.
如果可用,ECC 内存应该降低位翻转的机会,但并非所有情况下都有这种类型的内存。如果存在可见的位翻转模式,应进行内存测试,尽管这可能无法检测到有问题的内存模块,因为系统的实际负载可能是导致问题出现的因素。近年来,对内存模块操作的攻击已经得到证明(rowhammer),实现特定位的翻转。尽管这些是有针对性的,但这表明一系列读取或写入可能会影响内存的不相关部分。

Block group profiles with redundancy (like RAID1) will not protect against memory errors as the blocks are first stored in memory before they are written to the devices from the same source.
具有冗余的块组配置文件(如 RAID1)不会保护内存错误,因为块首先存储在内存中,然后从相同来源写入设备。

A filesystem mounted read-only will not affect the underlying block device in almost 100% (with highly unlikely exceptions). The exception is a tree-log that needs to be replayed during mount (and before the read-only mount takes place), working memory is needed for that and that can be affected by bit flips. There’s a theoretical case where bit flip changes the filesystem status from read-only to read-write.
挂载为只读的文件系统几乎不会影响底层块设备(几乎 100%,极少数例外)。例外情况是在挂载期间需要重放的树日志(在只读挂载之前进行),这需要工作内存,而这可能会受到位翻转的影响。存在一种理论情况,即位翻转将文件系统状态从只读更改为读写。

Further reading: 进一步阅读:

What to do: 该怎么办:

  • run memtest, note that sometimes memory errors happen only when the system is under heavy load that the default memtest cannot trigger

  • memory errors may appear as filesystem going read-only due to “pre write” check, that verify meta data before they get written but fail some basic consistency checks

  • newly built systems should be tested before being put to production use, ideally start a IO/CPU load that will be run on such system later; namely systems that will utilize overclocking or special performance features
    新构建的系统在投入生产使用之前应该进行测试,最好启动一个会在该系统上运行的 IO/CPU 负载测试;特别是那些将利用超频或特殊性能功能的系统

Direct memory access (DMA)

Another class of errors is related to DMA (direct memory access) performed by device drivers. While this could be considered a software error, the data transfers that happen without CPU assistance may accidentally corrupt other pages. Storage devices utilize DMA for performance reasons, the filesystem structures and data pages are passed back and forth, making errors possible in case page life time is not properly tracked.
另一类错误与设备驱动程序执行的 DMA(直接内存访问)有关。虽然这可能被视为软件错误,但在没有 CPU 协助的情况下发生的数据传输可能会意外损坏其他页面。存储设备利用 DMA 来提高性能,文件系统结构和数据页面来回传递,如果页面寿命没有正确跟踪,可能会出现错误。

There are lots of quirks (device-specific workarounds) in Linux kernel drivers (regarding not only DMA) that are added when found. The quirks may avoid specific errors or disable some features to avoid worse problems.
在 Linux 内核驱动程序中存在许多怪癖(特定设备的解决方法),当发现时会添加到其中(不仅限于 DMA)。这些怪癖可能避免特定错误或禁用某些功能以避免更严重的问题。

What to do: 该怎么办:

  • use up-to-date kernel (recent releases or maintained long term support versions)

  • as this may be caused by faulty drivers, keep the systems up-to-date

Rotational disks (HDD) 旋转磁盘(HDD)

Rotational HDDs typically fail at the level of individual sectors or small clusters. Read failures are caught on the levels below the filesystem and are returned to the user as EIO - Input/output error. Reading the blocks repeatedly may return the data eventually, but this is better done by specialized tools and filesystem takes the result of the lower layers. Rewriting the sectors may trigger internal remapping but this inevitably leads to data loss.
旋转式硬盘驱动器(HDD)通常在单个扇区或小簇的级别上发生故障。读取失败会在文件系统下的级别上被捕获,并作为 EIO - 输入/输出错误返回给用户。重复读取块可能最终会返回数据,但最好由专门工具完成,文件系统会接收下层的结果。重写扇区可能会触发内部重映射,但这不可避免地会导致数据丢失。

Disk firmware is technically software but from the filesystem perspective is part of the hardware. IO requests are processed, and caching or various other optimizations are performed, which may lead to bugs under high load or unexpected physical conditions or unsupported use cases.
硬盘固件在技术上是软件,但从文件系统的角度来看,它是硬件的一部分。IO 请求会被处理,并执行缓存或各种其他优化,这可能会在高负载或意外物理条件或不支持的用例下导致错误。

Disks are connected by cables with two ends, both of which can cause problems when not attached properly. Data transfers are protected by checksums and the lower layers try hard to transfer the data correctly or not at all. The errors from badly-connecting cables may manifest as large amount of failed read or write requests, or as short error bursts depending on physical conditions.

What to do: 该怎么办:

  • check smartctl for potential issues
    检查 smartctl 是否存在潜在问题

Solid state drives (SSD)

The mechanism of information storage is different from HDDs and this affects the failure mode as well. The data are stored in cells grouped in large blocks with limited number of resets and other write constraints. The firmware tries to avoid unnecessary resets and performs optimizations to maximize the storage media lifetime. The known techniques are deduplication (blocks with same fingerprint/hash are mapped to same physical block), compression or internal remapping and garbage collection of used memory cells. Due to the additional processing there are measures to verify the data e.g. by ECC codes.
信息存储机制与 HDD 不同,这也影响了故障模式。数据存储在以大块为单位的单元中,具有有限数量的重置和其他写入约束。固件试图避免不必要的重置,并执行优化以最大化存储介质的寿命。已知的技术包括去重(具有相同指纹/哈希的块被映射到同一物理块)、压缩或内部重映射以及已使用内存单元的垃圾收集。由于额外的处理,有措施来验证数据,例如通过 ECC 码。

The observations of failing SSDs show that the whole electronic fails at once or affects a lot of data (e.g. stored on one chip). Recovering such data may need specialized equipment and reading data repeatedly does not help as it’s possible with HDDs.
失败的固态硬盘的观察表明,整个电子设备一次性失效或影响大量数据(例如存储在一个芯片上的数据)。恢复这些数据可能需要专门的设备,反复读取数据并不能像 HDD 那样有助于恢复。

There are several technologies of the memory cells with different characteristics and price. The lifetime is directly affected by the type and frequency of data written. Writing “too much” distinct data (e.g. encrypted) may render the internal deduplication ineffective and lead to a lot of rewrites and increased wear of the memory cells.

There are several technologies and manufacturers so it’s hard to describe them but there are some that exhibit similar behaviour:

  • expensive SSD will use more durable memory cells and is optimized for reliability and high load

  • cheap SSD is projected for a lower load (“desktop user”) and is optimized for cost, it may employ the optimizations and/or extended error reporting partially or not at all

It’s not possible to reliably determine the expected lifetime of an SSD due to lack of information about how it works or due to lack of reliable stats provided by the device.

Metadata writes tend to be the biggest component of lifetime writes to a SSD, so there is some value in reducing them. Depending on the device class (high end/low end) the features like DUP block group profiles may affect the reliability in both ways:
元数据写入往往是固态硬盘寿命写入的最大组成部分,因此减少它们具有一定的价值。根据设备类别(高端/低端),像 DUP 块组配置文件这样的功能可能会以两种方式影响可靠性。

  • high end are typically more reliable and using single for data and metadata could be suitable to reduce device wear

  • low end could lack ability to identify errors so an additional redundancy at the filesystem level (checksums, DUP) could help

Only users who consume 50 to 100% of the SSD’s actual lifetime writes need to be concerned by the write amplification of btrfs DUP metadata. Most users will be far below 50% of the actual lifetime, or will write the drive to death and discover how many writes 100% of the actual lifetime was. SSD firmware often adds its own write multipliers that can be arbitrary and unpredictable and dependent on application behavior, and these will typically have far greater effect on SSD lifespan than DUP metadata. It’s more or less impossible to predict when a SSD will run out of lifetime writes to within a factor of two, so it’s hard to justify wear reduction as a benefit.
只有消耗 SSD 实际寿命写入量的 50 到 100% 的用户需要关注 btrfs DUP 元数据的写放大。大多数用户的写入量远低于实际寿命的 50%,或者会写入到设备死亡并发现 100% 实际寿命的写入量是多少。SSD 固件通常会添加自己的写入倍增器,这些倍增器可能是任意的、不可预测的,并且取决于应用程序的行为,这些倍增器通常对 SSD 寿命的影响要远远大于 DUP 元数据。几乎不可能准确预测 SSD 何时耗尽寿命写入量,因此很难将减少磨损作为一个好处来证明。

Further reading: 进一步阅读:

What to do: 该怎么办:

  • run smartctl or self-tests to look for potential issues
    运行 smartctl 或自检以查找潜在问题

  • keep the firmware up-to-date

NVM express, non-volatile memory (NVMe)
NVM Express,非易失性存储器(NVMe)

NVMe is a type of persistent memory usually connected over a system bus (PCIe) or similar interface and the speeds are an order of magnitude faster than SSD. It is also a non-rotating type of storage, and is not typically connected by a cable. It’s not a SCSI type device either but rather a complete specification for logical device interface.
NVMe 是一种通常通过系统总线(PCIe)或类似接口连接的持久性存储器类型,速度比固态硬盘快一个数量级。它也是一种非旋转式存储,通常不通过电缆连接。它也不是 SCSI 类型设备,而是逻辑设备接口的完整规范。

In a way the errors could be compared to a combination of SSD class and regular memory. Errors may exhibit as random bit flips or IO failures. There are tools to access the internal log (nvme log and nvme-cli) for a more detailed analysis.
在某种程度上,错误可以被比作 SSD 类和常规内存的组合。错误可能表现为随机位翻转或 IO 故障。有工具可以访问内部日志(nvme 日志和 nvme-cli)进行更详细的分析。

There are separate error detection and correction steps performed e.g. on the bus level and in most cases never making in to the filesystem level. Once this happens it could mean there’s some systematic error like overheating or bad physical connection of the device. You may want to run self-tests (using smartctl).
有单独的错误检测和纠正步骤,例如在总线级别上执行,在大多数情况下从未进入文件系统级别。一旦发生这种情况,可能意味着存在一些系统性错误,如过热或设备的不良物理连接。您可能希望运行自检(使用 smartctl)。

Drive firmware 驱动器固件 

Firmware is technically still software but embedded into the hardware. As all software has bugs, so does firmware. Storage devices can update the firmware and fix known bugs. In some cases the it’s possible to avoid certain bugs by quirks (device-specific workarounds) in Linux kernel.
固件在技术上仍然是软件,但嵌入到硬件中。正如所有软件都有漏洞一样,固件也有漏洞。存储设备可以更新固件并修复已知的漏洞。在某些情况下,可以通过 Linux 内核中的技巧(设备特定的解决方法)来避免某些漏洞。

A faulty firmware can cause wide range of corruptions from small and localized to large affecting lots of data. Self-repair capabilities may not be sufficient.

What to do: 该怎么办:

  • check for firmware updates in case there are known problems, note that updating firmware can be risky on itself

  • use up-to-date kernel (recent releases or maintained long term support versions)

SD flash cards SD 闪存卡 

There are a lot of devices with low power consumption and thus using storage media based on low power consumption too, typically flash memory stored on a chip enclosed in a detachable card package. An improperly inserted card may be damaged by electrical spikes when the device is turned on or off. The chips storing data in turn may be damaged permanently. All types of flash memory have a limited number of rewrites, so the data are internally translated by FTL (flash translation layer). This is implemented in firmware (technically a software) and prone to bugs that manifest as hardware errors.
有许多低功耗设备,因此使用基于低功耗的存储介质,通常是存储在可拆卸卡包中的芯片上的闪存存储器。当设备开启或关闭时,不正确插入的卡可能会受到电压峰值的损坏。存储数据的芯片可能会永久受损。所有类型的闪存存储器都有有限的重写次数,因此数据通过 FTL(闪存转换层)进行内部转换。这是在固件中实现的(技术上是软件),容易出现表现为硬件错误的错误。

Adding redundancy like using DUP profiles for both data and metadata can help in some cases but a full backup might be the best option once problems appear and replacing the card could be required as well.
增加冗余,例如同时为数据和元数据使用 DUP 配置文件,在某些情况下可能有所帮助,但一旦出现问题,完整备份可能是最佳选择,同时可能需要更换卡。

Hardware as the main source of filesystem corruptions

If you use unreliable hardware and don’t know about that, don’t blame the filesystem when it tells you.